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    Buffalo cherries​ PDO Campana It is a stretched curd table cheese made with whole buffalo milk. Pearly white in color, it has a smooth and shiny surface and a very thin crust. Its rounded shape has an internal structure with overlapping thin leaves that tend to disappear in the layers immediately below the first. The internal paste is compact and when cut it lets out a little whey with a pleasant milk scent. Its consistency is elastic in the first 8 - 10 hours after production. Later it tends to be softer. To savor all the fragrance it is advisable to keep the cherries at room temperature for up to 4-5 days. Subsequently it should be kept in the fridge for up to 15 days; in this case it partially loses the typical characteristics linked to the rubberiness of the product. To best enjoy the Bufala Campana PDO cherries, it is suggested to immerse them in hot water (about 35 °) for 10-15 minutes before consumption.


    Braid of buffalo from Campania PDO The treccia di buffalo mozzarella from Campania PDO is a stringy cheese that uses the same dairy process as mozzarella. The pasta filata is modeled exclusively by hand and skilfully “woven” into its characteristic shape. The braid appears to be firmer than mozzarella but maintains the same qualities and organoleptic characteristics.


    Milk cream Fior di latte boasts great traditions in the Campania region and is part of the great regional heritage of dairy products. It is a soft spun paste table cheese obtained with whole cow's milk using a technique similar to that of buffalo mozzarella. White in color, it has a shiny surface and a very thin crust. Its shape is mostly globular. The consistency of the pasta, at the end of the cheese making, is slightly elastic, but as the hours go by it becomes more and more dark. The taste of traditional fior di latte, produced with fresh milk, is sweet with a faint acidic hint, as it is rich in lactic ferments. Our fior di latte is produced exclusively with fresh milk from farms with "brown" cattle breeding. Ingredients: cow's milk, salt and rennet.


    Buffalo milk burrata The buffalo milk burrata is a fresh cheese with a thin texture, similar to mozzarella but with a much softer and more delicate consistency. It contains a creamy heart of fresh cream with a delicious and sophisticated flavor and strips of stretched curd. It is produced with the strictly hand-made method.


    Buffalo ricotta The artisanal buffalo milk ricotta is distinguished from the industrial one by its slightly sustained texture on the palate. It is a dairy product obtained from buffalo milk whey, fresh and rich in noble proteins. Tasty and versatile in the kitchen, it is part of the history and tradition of the dairy sector, a symbol of our agriculture and of the typical heritage of our territory.


    Creamy buffalo mozzarella This version of buffalo ricotta is a fresh product obtained from buffalo milk and whey, subjected to the homogenization process by destroying the ricotta flakes. Pure white in color, it has a strong and refined flavor and a highly creamy consistency that is even more spreadable than traditional ricotta. Particularly suitable in the kitchen also as an ingredient in the preparation of desserts.


    Buffalo puff pastry The buffalo mozzarella sheet is a thin dough roll made with Campana PDO buffalo mozzarella It is sold without filling and has all the properties of stretched curd cheeses. It is, in fact, of a porcelain white color and has an elastic consistency. Compared to the classic buffalo mozzarella, the paste is more compact and the flavor is less intense and aromatic. Typically, the filling consists of slices of raw ham, rocket and cherry tomatoes, but it is possible to stuff the roll with other ingredients. Given the minimum release of whey and the reduced intake of salt, it is possible to create sweet and savory recipes. Ingredients: buffalo milk, salt and rennet.

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